Signature Design
Want a memorable, reproducible signature that will make your readers think, "WOW"?
With over six years of professional hand-lettering and calligraphy experience, I would love to offer you a custom, reproducible signature for you. You will start by receiving 3-6 different designs to choose from (initials included upon request) and we will work together from there.
Signature design is $100 and comes complete with a transparent PNG, video tutorial, and PDF tracing sheet.
Transparent PNG
Digitally signing books for a book box special edition or a special 1st print run? Feel free to use your transparent PNG!
Video Tutorial
Love the way your new signature looks but aren't sure where to start in recreating it? Watch your video tutorial to learn the flow.
PDF Tracing Sheet
Need to train your muscle memory to follow the lines just right? Print/download your PDF tracing sheet as many times as you need.